5 of my favorite French dishes

Hi everyone, 

Usually if someone ask you about French dishes you will probably talk about: frogs, snails, crêpes or french fries. 

However the French culture when it comes to food is so much more diverse. We have a huge variety of warm or cold dishes, that can be sweet, salty, healthy or heavy, you will have food for all of palates.

The list that you will find below will mainly be salty dishes and my own personal selection. Another post will be dedicated to the sweet food.


La raclette, a classic and one of my personal favorite. I talked about it in one of my previous post about the French public holidays. In my family we eat it mainly at Christmas, but most people start eating it as soon as the fall is cold enough.

You almost could not do a simpler dish, all you need is: raclette cheese, charcuterie and potatoes. Usually, you would also need the machine made especially for it, which would help you melt the cheese, you will see an example below:

You have to start cook the potatoes with steam, once it's done you can go at your table put the cheese on the machine and then mix the cheese, potatoes and charcuterie all together like on the picture seen before.

Gratin dauphinois

Le Gratin Dauphinois, another of my personal favorite, I mean at this point all of those in this list are amoung my favorites. Like many dishes in the French culture it's very creamy.

The main ingredients of Le Gratin Dauphinois are: potatoes, cream and garlic. It may not sounds like a lot but trust me it's really good. It's also a dish made for the winter or the late fall, because it will keep you warm and it's very easy to do. You will find here by a recipe that looks similar to the one we use: 


At this point what would be a proper french winter dish without potatoes or cheese, well l'Aligot fits those criterias. It's pretty much mached potatoes and cheese, however do not get yourselfs fool it's not as easy as it may seems.

Indeed, you need to get a sort of elastic mached potatoes and cheese, which is complicated to get. Like the dishes previously talked about you will mainly find those in the middle of France, near the cheese where it's their specialty.

Quiche Lorraine

La Quiche Lorraine, it's a dish from the east of France and more specifically from the department: Lorraine.

It's a quite easy meal to make, but non the less very good. You need: an oven, a pie dish, shortcrust pastry, crème fraiche and/or milk depends on the recipe, eggs and lardon.

You mix the milk/crème fraiche with the eggs and lardon and you have the Quiche Lorraine. The thing that is very nice about the Quiche is that you can change the condiment as much as you want: leak, cheese, tomatoes... and in the end you have many dishes in one.

Here there are 2 links for recipe, the first one is in french and the second in english:

Galette bretonne

La Galette Bretonne is more or less savoury buckwheat flour pancakes. It's a dish from the west of France and from a region called: Bretagne.

To make it simple to you it's like a crêpe but with a different flour, as explain before. The classical one is with: ham, cheese and eggs. However, like the Quiche, you can add anything you want in it.
Furthermore, it can be salty as well as it can be sweet.
It's a really good dish that will make you have a great meal.

Here is also a link to do the recipe: https://snippetsofparis.com/savory-crepe/

Thank you for reading this post, hope you enjoyed it :)
